Water Recycling, Harvesting, Re-Use
The wastewater from showers, washing machines, dishwashers and sinks is referred to as greywater and depending on your site usage this typically makes up between 40-70% of your waste water produced. Given the uncontaminated nature of this waste stream, it is often straight forward to capture, treat and reuse this water which can have a significant impact on your cost, consumption and environmental impact. Rainwater can also be collected from roof via guttering and stored in below ground tanks for a number of onsite uses such as plant irrigation, car washing, cooling and pressure washing. With plumbing alterations, it can also be used to flush toilets. The diversion of rainwater to a storage tank can also help to attenuate flooding and provide additional water during times of drought. There are many factors to consider before embarking on a water recycling project, not least the potential payback and hygiene requirements. UK Water has the experience needed to advise and support you from the initial feasibility study through to the implementation of the project.